Why Community Foundations?

Community foundations are tax-exempt, nonprofit, autonomous, nonsectarian, philanthropic institutions that are supported by community donors. The long-term goal of any community foundation is to build permanent funds supported by many donors. In doing so, the charitable interests of the donor, the community and the residents are all served.

Partnering with a local community foundation can strengthen the relationship between you and your clients, as well as help your business, in many ways:

  • Connecting with a local expert on philanthropy helps you provide a full range of services to your client. You remain in control of your client relationships.
  • Community foundations provide maximum federal and state tax benefits, tailor giving plans to meet your clients’ particular needs, and provide a simple and cost-effective alternative to a private foundation.
  • Community foundations have in-depth knowledge about their communities and can help your clients be more effective in their giving.
  • Your clients can donate a variety of assets, from cash and appreciated stocks to real estate, commodities and more complicated assets. They can choose to donate these assets now or in the future as part of their estate plans.
  • Helping clients establish and maintain a charitable legacy for their children and grandchildren through a foundation fund allows you to stay connected with your clients across generations.
  • Community foundations employ staff that are oriented toward donor service, are skilled in solving complex gift situations, and maintain a high degree of professionalism and confidentiality.
  • Many community foundations offer the option of allowing a client's gifts to remain invested with the client's current money manager.

There are 116-and-counting community foundations across the state of Kansas. The total assets of members of the Kansas Association of Community Foundations were estimated to be around $1.7 billion collectively in 2023. In 2023 alone, these community foundations reinvested $122 million in grants and scholarships into local communities across the state.

For more information, please use our online directory to find and contact a knowledgeable professional at your local community foundation.